D Crown

Electrolytic Nichel
Nichel Chips
Purity : the purity of nickel chips is > 99.98% with its special shape, the nickel chips go down perfectly into the baskets, and are evenly distributed in the titanium baskets. Its shape prevents bridging information and ensures a constant anodic surface. It is safe to handle, having no sharp edge.
Chips are disc-like in shape, with a typical thickness of 4-6mm and diameter of 17-22mm, making this anode material suitable for plating from titanium baskets with standard mesh sizes.
Its advantages are:
· Consistent quality with purity above 99.98%
· Very competitive prices with a non-cut shape
· Great ease of filling titanium baskets
· Easy handling with small bags of 10 kg
· Filling fluidity: no bridge in baskets
· 100% nickel use, no waste
· Less current density required than electrolytic nickel, energy saving

Nichel Tablet
Nickel TABLET usage gives a positive result for the control of the coating thickness and obtaining a better surface in contract materials with unknown steel composition, possibly composed of different steels. The highest zinc coating is reached when the silicon in the steel is 0.04 to 0.12% this range is called the Sandelin Curve. It Increases bath flow. Minimizes local coating differences. Provides a homogeneous appearance.
Benefits :
- Reactive Steels
- Prevents high coating thicknesses
- Prevents dark grey coatings
- Prevents peeling of coating
- Increase the coating homogeneity
- Zinc saving from 5% to 15% in weight
- Increase Coating ductility
- Smoother and brighter surface finish.
- Increase the fluidity of the Zn bath.
- Aesthetical coating appearance